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Monthly Marketing Ideas Small Business Marketing Resource

Marketing Ideas for September, 2018

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September 2018 Marketing Ideas Calendar

Monthly Holidays In September, 2018

National Italian Cheese Month: “September is National Italian Cheese Month, and there’s no better time to celebrate the buttery, bold, creamy, crumbly and nutty Italian Cheeses that are essential to our favorite Italian fare.” Surely a fantastic topic to tie into an ad, email, social media post, or promotion, for any Italian restaurant or pizzeria.

Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month

National Self-Care Awareness MonthSelf–Care Awareness Month in is a time to remind us that taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, is essential. Self-care is often neglected in our everyday lives. This holiday can be used to promote fitness-related businesses such as Personal Trainers, Yoga Instruction, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic, Health Food Stores, restaurants with an emphasis on healthful choices, and restaurants wishing to promote healthy menu options.

Baby Safety Month

Better Breakfast Month

Classical Music Month

Fall Hat Month

Little League Month

International Square-Dancing Month

International Update Your Resume Month

National Blueberry Popsicle Month

National Chicken Month: Another obvious promotional opportunity for restaurants of all kinds. “Add chicken to your salad…, Chicken Wing Specials, All Chicken Dishes Come With…”

National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

National Courtesy Month

National Honey Month

National Library Card Sign Up Month

National Mushroom Month

National Papaya Month

National Piano Month

National Potato Month

National Preparedness Month

National Rice Month

National Sewing Month

Save Your Photos Month

Self-Improvement Month

Whole Grains Month

National Suicide Prevention Month

Famous September Birthdays

9/5 Freddie Mercury

9/8 Bernie Sanders

9/9 Colonel Sanders

9/15 Prince Harry

9/21 Stephen King

9/26 Serena Williams

Weekly Holidays in September, 2018

Sept 3-7

National Payroll Week

National Childhood Injury Prevention Week

National Waffle Week

Sept 8-10

National Days of Prayer and Remembrance

Sept 9-15

National Environmental Services Week

Line Dance Week

National Assisted Living Week

National Suicide Prevention Week

Sept 15-22

National Farm Animals Awareness Week

National Rehabilitation Awareness Week

National Keep Kids Creative Week

Sept 23-29

Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week

Active Aging Week

Sept 26 -Oct 2

National Fall Foliage Week

Uncommon Daily Holidays in September, 2018

9/1/2018 National Tailgating Day

9/2/2018 National Blueberry Popsicle Day

9/3/2018 Labor Day

9/4/2018 National Newspaper Carrier Day / National Wildlife Day

9/5/2018 National Cheese Pizza Day

9/6/2018 National Read a Book Day

9/7/2018 National Food Bank Day / National Lazy Moms Day

9/8/2018 National Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Nurses Day

9/9/2018 National Teddy Bear Day / National Grandparents Day

9/10/2018 National Swap Ideas Day

9/11/2018 Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance

9/12/2018 National Video Game Day

9/13/2018 National Peanut Day

9/14/2018 National Eat a Hoagie Day

9/15/2018 National Online Learning Day / Greenpeace Day / Responsible Dog Ownership day

9/16/2018 National Step Family Day / National Working Parents Day / Wife Appreciation Day

9/17/2018 National Apple Dumpling Day

9/18/2018 Air Force Birthday / National IT Professionals Day

9/19/2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day

9/20/2018 National Pepperoni Pizza Day

9/21/2018 National POW/MIA Recognition Day

9/22/2018 Elephant Appreciation Day / National Hunting and Fishing Day / American Business Women’s Day

9/23/2018 National Great American Pot Pie Day

9/24/2018 National Cherries Jubilee Day / National Punctuation Day

9/25/2018 National Comic Book Day / National Voter Registration Day

9/26/2018 National Pancake Day / National Women’s Health & Fitness Day

9/27/2018 National Chocolate Milk Day

9/28/2018 National Good Neighbor Day

9/29/2018 National Family Health and Fitness Day USA

9/30/2018 National Love People Day

Marketing ideas calendar-August 2018

August 2018 Marketing Idea Calendar

Ideas for August 2018 promotions, emails, and social media posts

Subscribe to get this valuable marketing resource in your email every month! CLICK HERE.

Monthly Holidays

National Crayon Collection Month

Family Fun Month

National Catfish Month

National Eye Exam Month

National Golf Month

National Peach Month

National Water Quality Month

Romance Awareness Month

National Goat Cheese Month

Happiness Happens Month

National Sandwich Month

National Panini Month

National Brownies at Brunch Month

Get ready for Kindergarten Month

Black Business Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

International Peace Month

MedicAlert Awareness Month

Motorsports Awareness Month

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month

National Back to School Month

The One Good Idea Newsletter


8/3       Martha Stewart

8/4       Barack Obama

8/13    Sarah Huckabee Sanders

8/17    Robert DeNiro

8/19    Bill Clinton

8/23    Kobe Bryant

8/26    Mother Theresa

8/29    John McCain


Weekly Holidays


August 1 -7

International Clown Week

National Cleanse Your Skin Week

Simplify Your Life Week


August 6-12

National Bargain Hunting Week

International Assistance Dog Week

Exercise with Your Child Week


August 7-13

National Fraud Awareness Week

National Farmers Market Week

National Stop on Red Week

National Hobo Week


August 13-19

National Health Center Week

Elvis Week

National Aviation Week

National Resurrect Romance Week


August 25-31

Be Kind to Humankind Week

The One Good Idea Newsletter

Daily Holidays


8/1/2018              Respect for Parents Day / National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

8/2/2018              National Coloring Book Day

8/3/2018              National Watermelon Day / National IPA Day

8/4/2018              National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

8/5/2018              National Friendship Day / National Sisters Day

8/6/2018              National Root Beer Float Day

8/7/2018              Purple Heart Day / National Night Out Day

8/8/2018              National Dollar Day

8/9/2018              National Book Lovers Day

8/10/2018            National Lazy Day / National S’mores Day

8/11/2018            National Son’s and Daughter’s Day / National Garage Sale Day / National Presidential Jokes Day

8/12/2018            National Vinyl Record Day

8/13/2018            Left Handers Day

8/14/2018            National Creamsicle Day

8/15/2018            National Relaxation Day

8/16/2018            National Tell a Joke Day / National Roller Coaster Day

8/17/2018            National Thrift Shop Day

8/18/2018            World Honeybee Day

8/19/2018            National Soft Ice Cream Day

8/20/2018            National Radio Day

8/21/2018            National Senior Citizen Day

8/22/2018            National Tooth Fairy Day

8/23/2018            National Sponge Cake Day

8/24/2018            National Peach Pie Day

8/25/2018            National Park Service Founders Day

8/26/2018            National Women’s Equality Day / National Dog Day

8/27/2018            National Just Because Day

8/28/2018            National Bow Tie Day

8/29/2018            National Chop Suey Day

8/30/2018            National Grief Awareness Day / National Toasted Marshmallow Day

8/31/2018            National Matchmaker Day / National Trail Mix Day

The One Good Idea Newsletter

Monthly marketing ideas

Marketing Ideas Calendar for February 2018

Monthly Holidays

Free and Open Source Software Month

American Heart Month

An Affair to Remember Month

Black History Month

Canned Food Month

Creative Romance Month

Great American Pie Month

National Bake for Family Fun Month

National Bird Feeding Month

National Cherry Month

National Children’s Dental Health Month

National Grapefruit Month

National Heart Month

National Hot Breakfast Month

National Library Lover’s Month

National Macadamia Nut Month

National Snack Food Month

National Weddings Month

Get your Monthly Marketing Ideas Calendar delivered every month. CLICK HERE.

Famous February Birthdays


2/6 Ronald Reagan

2/7 Charles Dickens

2/12      Abraham Lincoln

2/17 Michael Jordan

2/18 Enzo Ferrari

2/22 George Washington

2/24 Steve Jobs

2/25 George Harrison

2/28 Randi Zuckerberg

Weekly Holidays

 Get your Monthly Marketing Ideas Calendar delivered every month. CLICK HERE.

Feb 1-4

US Snow Sculpting Week


Feb 1 – 7

Women’s Heart Week

National Patient Recognition Week

Solo Diners Out Week


Feb 5 – 11

Burn Awareness Week

Boy Scout Anniversary Week


Feb 7 – 14


International Week of Black Women in the Arts

Dump Your Signficant Jerk Week

National Crime Prevention week


Feb 12 – 18

Children of Alcoholics Week

International Friendship Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Feb 14 – 21

Alzheimers Disease and Dementia Staff Education Week

Learning Disabilities Week


Feb 19 – 25

Brotherhood / Sisterhood Week

Pay Your Bills Week

Build a Better Trade Show Image Week


Feb 26 – March 4

Telecommuter Appreciation Week

Peace Corp Week


Daily Holidays

Get your Monthly Marketing Ideas Calendar delivered every month. CLICK HERE.

2/1/2018 National Freedom Day

2/2/2018 Groundhog Day

2/3/2018 National Missing Person Day

2/4/2018 National Homemade Soup Day

2/5/2018 National Weatherpersons Day

2/6/2018 National Frozen Yogurt Day

2/7/2018 National Send a Card to a Friend Day / National Periodic Table Day

2/8/2018 National Boy Scouts Day / National             Kite Flying Day

2/9/2018 National Pizza Day

2/10/2018 National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

2/11/2018 National Inventors Day

2/12/2018 National Clean Out Your Computer Day

2/13/2018 Fat Tuesday / Safer Internet Day

2/14/2018 Valentines Day / National Organ Do nor Day

2/15/2018 Singles Awareness Day / National Gumdrop Day

2/16/2018 National Caregivers Day

2/17/2018 National Random Acts of Kindness Day

2/18/2018 National Drink Wine Day

2/19/2018 Presidents Day

2/20/2018 National Love Your Pet Day

2/21/2018 National Sticky Bun Day

2/22/2018 National Chili Day

2/23/2018 National Dog Biscuit Day

2/24/2018 National Tortilla Chip Day

2/25/2018 National Clam Chowder Day

2/26/2018 National Tell a Fairy Tale Day

2/27/2018 Spay Day / National Polar Bear Day

2/28/2018 National Public Sleeping Day / National Tooth Fairy Day

Get your Monthly Marketing Ideas Calendar delivered every month. CLICK HERE.

3 Facebook Strategies

Ideas for  Reaching a Bigger & Better Audience on Facebook

In the past couple of years, news feed visibility of Facebook Fanpage posts has declined by over 90%. In other words, if you have 500 Facebook Fans on your business page, less than 50, on average (probably far fewer), are actually seeing your post in their news feed. If you feel it’s becoming difficult to justify the time and expense, here are some ideas to boost results.

Organic & Paid Social Media Posting

Definition: Organic posts are free. This is when you or your social media marketing administrator makes a post on your account. Visibility of organic posts are somewhat random. They can reach less than 1% or your total fan base (followers) to 10%, sometimes more if there’s a good response to the post. Sponsored posts are posts which are guaranteed to reach a certain number of people within a selection of demographic criteria. You pay for this.

Even before Facebook created the paid advertising model, it was unusual for businesses to see a positive return on their social media marketing investment. Now, as the organic numbers have diminished so drastically, it’s even more rare.

Strategy #1: Sponsored Facebook Posts

Now, for $5-$7, you can Boost a post or create an ad which is certain to reach between 400-1200 people.

For this small amount of money, you can create a target audience based upon a range of their ages, (33-62, for example), income, marital status, education level and any number of interests such as types of food they like, activities and hobbies they enjoy PLUS a distance radius around your location or service area. You can reach people around the country, the world or just 10 miles around your zip code.

Whether you do you social media posts in-house or you have a service provider, the average posts is costing you about $6.00-$8.00 in time. This begs the question:

Is it better to pay $7.00 for an add to reach 500-1000 people who are strong prospects or to spend $6.00 to reach 50-100 people who already know you?

My feeling is that it’s better to spend $7.00 to reach 500-1000 people who may be good prospects. After all, if you land just ONE new customer and it only cost you $7, that’s a big win. Don’t you agree?

Who ARE Your Facebook Fans Anyway?

A substantial number of your Facebook fans are likely to be your personal friends (OR friends of the people who are doing your marketing for you). They have Liked or Followed your page because you’ve asked them to. They’re usually not genuine fans and probably not your customers either. They were most likely just being polite and thought they were doing you a favor.

New fans you acquire with sponsored posts are more genuine. They gave you a Like  because they liked what they saw. These are the people you want as fans. Now, by acquiring new and more genuine fans, and with the targeting abilities available with sponsored posts, you have the ability to pay for posts which reach ONLY your fans. You can also elect to reach your existing audience and THEIR friends.

There are times you will want to use paid ads to reach your existing audience only:

For example, there’s an event I like to go to every year…the Crab-A-Palooza at Pinsetter Bar & Bowl in Pennsauken, NJ. There’s good food, entertainment, I’m friendly with the owner and it’s good family fun. I missed it this year because I didn’t see any of the announcements. The marketing team posted the event about 12 times on their Facebook page BUT I didn’t see it because none of the organic posts never showed up on my news feed. If they had spent a few bucks on a boosted post, the great majority of their Facebook Fans would have seen the announcement. They would have made the money back on just ONE extra customer, ME, and they probably would have landed a bunch more customers like me who would have showed up too.  Use boosted posts when you have an important announcement for all your fans.

Strategy #2

Get your customers to do the work for you!

When customers visit your location, give them an incentive to Check-In on their Facebook app. When they check in, lots of their Facebook friends will see this in their news feed. This is delivers your business name, location AND Social Proof which is like your customer’s testimonial about your place. This method works better when a photo is included with the post. A small bribe such as a Free Dessert or a $10 Gift Certificate is well worth the promotional value you get from this kind of exposure.

Strategy #3

I’ve created a video which demonstrates this idea which is embedded at the end of this post.

This  strategy can be used in all kinds of businesses, online as well as traditional brick and mortar businesses and service businesses.

Make it easy for your customers to help you. Create a dedicated page on your website which has one image on it (could be your logo or  an image depicting your service in action for example). Add wording to the page such as: “I recently {visited, purchased, used services of} ABC Business. I was very pleased with the {name the product or service} so I thought I would share this with my friends.”


Give your customers a pre-printed card or send an email with the website address (URL) for this page with the instructions to copy and paste it as a Facebook post. The very act of someone electing to cooperate is a powerful testimonial. The reach and impact could be significant. The setup isn’t very difficult and it can be used over and over.

See video instruction on this strategy- go to
