Add at least one video to your website. There are many benefits to having video on your site.
The first thing I must tell you about video on your website: It should NOT be a commercial message. People do not go online to be pitched a commercial advertisement. They visit your website because they’re in the process of making a decision: where to eat, and what to eat. Video on your restaurant website should be strictly for information and/or demonstration.
Here are some ideas:
We know how engaging cooking videos can be-just look at all the cooking shows on TV and recipe videos on YouTube. When people visit your website and see cooking demonstrations, they’ll watch.
We do business with people we know, like, and trust. A cooking video is a boost to the know-like-trust factor.
Make a video once and use it for all kinds of marketing opportunities.
Your video should be uploaded and posted to YouTube. YouTube is one of the most widely used websites on the internet. It’s also the #2 most used search engine, right behind Google. Having your video posted and “hosted” there improves your chances of being discovered by more people.
Video has been responsible for a great deal of my success online.