Your menu should be all spelled out…all typed out on your website, NOT just an image or PDF of your menu.
There are 3 good reasons why you should type each menu item directly on your website.
As the old saying in marketing goes,”The more you tell, the more you sell,” comes into play here. When you list and describe each dish, you’re fueling search engine optimization, and at the same time, you’re serving your customers better. More (mouth-watering) information will certainly have a positive effect on a potential customer’s decision to eat at your place.
Your restaurant may have specific names for a dish but potential customers don’t know the names. For example, one of our clients has a dish called Chicken Sinatra. Nobody is asking Siri, “Where can I get Chicken Sinatra near me?” But if your website menu lists Chicken Sinatra: Breast of Chicken, Sauteed Italian Style in Fresh Garlic and Olive Oil, with Onions, Red Bell Pepper, and
Broccoli, over Pasta, then you have something someone may be looking for in a voice or internet search.
Get a photo of every menu item and make a page for it on your website. Use that page to go as deep as possible with the description of the item. if there’s a STORY behind the dish, TELL THE STORY! Was it your grandmother’s recipe? Did you help out in the kitchen while mom was making this dish for your family. People love stories. Tell them wherever possible.
Now, create a link from the item on your online menu to the page you made specifically for this item. This is more than most other restaurants in the world, BUT, it’s an amazing service to provide to your customers, and the search engines will reward you by sending more eyeballs attached to humans with hungry bellies to your website and ultimately, to your restaurant.
These ideas will turn your website into a better customer acquisition machine.
Need help with this idea, call us: 1-866-799-2825