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How to Build a Herd of Loyal Customers-A Website Strategy

You can build a sustainable business with predictable revenue and profit if you build a list and keep in touch.

Restaurant Marketing Ideas

A large list of loyal customers is your path to success. 

You’ve heard it said that we only use 10% of our brain capacity. Well, I say we (most of us) only use 10% of our website’s capacity. The ideas on this website checklist will increase the effectiveness of your website to acquire and keep more customers. It will also improve every other marketing effort and advertising investment you make.

Give This Website Strategy Top Priority

How to use coupons on your restaurant website

Using coupons strategically on your website isn’t about discounting, it’s about growing your business.

Acquire a customer list. In the old days, people were excited to receive email. Websites often had (and still many still do) “Join Our Email List.” NOBODY wants to join an email list these days. What restaurant customers DO want, is to join a Specials and Coupons list. When you offer them something they want, they will join.

What Will You Do With a Customer Contact List? You will keep in touch. Here’s how: Marketing Automation. It’s EASY.

Before you get all nervous about emailing your customers, I need to explain a couple things:

  1. Permission-Based Marketing: People who give you their contact information in exchange for a coupon have given you permission to send them your offers. PERMISSION. We call it Permission-Based Marketing and it’s the gift that keeps on giving. You can build a massive list of 1000’s of customers who WANT to know what’s on special, what’s happening, and what’s new at your restaurant. What happens when you send 1000 people your specials or a coupon? SOME of them show up…because you sent them the email. After awhile, there becomes an average. You’ll soon know that for every 1000 emails you send out ‘X’ number of people usually show up. When your list grows to 2000, your response rate will double. It’s not unusual to grow a restaurant  email list to 3000, 5000, or more. I know a local restaurant with a list of 19,000. It’s an asset, like a goose that lays golden eggs.
  2. Set It and Forget It. Email Can Be Automated. It may seem daunting to you to prepare and send an email every week. But it can be done ahead of time and the emails can be deployedautomatically…set it-and forget it.

Now that you understand these important points, I will explain the roll of your website in acquiring new customers and building a massive, permission-based list.

Add This Page to Your Website

Add a page to your website called COUPONS & SPECIALS.  This page attracts a lot of traffic. (When it comes to your website, traffic is good.)

When people see your ads in Money Mailer, Clipper, Val-Pak, or any other print media, and especially your Groupon deal, a great many people will visit your website to learn more, especially people who have never been to your place before. They haven’t yet made the decision to go to your place. This is a golden opportunity to influence them to come by:

A. Making offers with a different selection of coupons. (These coupons must be interactive. Read on to learn what I mean.)

B. Inviting them to join your Birthday Club.

C. Inviting them to enter their contact information for “Insider Specials.”

These motivators will convert more website visitors into customers.

About Interactive Coupons

Interactive coupons require the consumer to SELECT or GET the coupon. Upon clicking on the button, a form pops up requiring the customer to enter their first name, email address, and birthday. THIS WORKS.

Note: Coupons in your website don’t need to be limited by space on a printed page. You can be as detailed and descriptive as you want. 

Also Note: When I speak of coupon marketing, I never want you to think I’m talking about discounting. I’m always talking about strategically building larger sales and building a larger customer base. I’m not talking about getting people in the door for a “deal.” I’m talking about acquiring new customers and converting them into loyal, repeat customers.

Setup Coupons Like This and it Works Every Time

I’ve been using this strategy for almost 10 years as of the date of this writing. This is not some new internet idea. Capturing contact information and keeping in touch is an established marketing fundamental for well over 100 years. It now works better, faster, and cheaper with modern internet technology and marketing automation.

I recommend moderncoupon.com as your coupon marketing engine. You need no skills, there’s no learning, and you don’t even need to call your webmaster. moderncoupon integrates seamlessly with your website. They even update your coupons for you. I personally think it’s the best bargain in small business marketing.

To Keep Your Customers, Keep In Touch

A serious focus on building a customer contact list is my highest recommendation. Businesses that are thriving today are the ones who keep in touch, so offer your customers incentives to come again, and remember them on their birthday. When you build a list of 1000’s of people who willingly give you their contact information, it’s a gift. Permission-based marketing is the way to a predicable revenue stream, predictable profits, and a loyal customer base.