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Time management-personal organization technique

One-Minute Personal Organization Idea for 2018

It’s the New Year and a typical time to think about how this year will be different and better than last year. For a few of us, being more organized ISN’T on the list. For the rest of us, it is (or probably should be).

I am admittedly NOT the organized type and I really don’t ever expect to be. I know my disorganization is part of my personality type (thank you, Kolbe Personality Type Index), but I also know my disorganization wastes a lot of my productivity time, adds to frustration, and a boatload of negative self-talk.

This technique I just heard about seems like something I should try. Seems good enough to share too. The reason I’m sharing it in a post is largely because it puts me on the spot to stick to it…a sort of public accountability.

Try this Simple Organization Technique With Me. Who’s In?

I don’t know if it has a name but I’m going to call it the One-Minute Rule.

I tend to leave a lot of crap on my desk. Sometimes I find myself with piles of things in various places besides my desk. Knowing this is part of my personality type and I don’t let it bother me too much. After all I’ve gotten along this far. However this one minute rule makes a heck of a lot of sense. So here goes:

Whenever there is a potential for getting something done in one minute or less, just do it now. It could be as something as simple as hanging up your coat opening and acting upon a piece of mail or writing a check.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big believer in budgeting time for eliminating like tasks. In other words, set all the mail aside for a few days and then tackle the whole pile in one sitting. Batch anything that is repetitious or similar is time-efficient.

The One-Minute Rule applies to things which stand alone or tend to be the first thing in a potential pile. And that’s why this strategy appeals to me. I’m not sure I’m going to fall in love with this but it seems sensible enough to try and to suggest. Perhaps I’ll get back to you in a month or so and let you know how I make out. If you happen to try this and have any comments about your success or lack thereof then please do let me know how it went for you.

Think Twice Before Checking Social Media

BEFORE clicking on that Facebook tab, take a moment to look or think about how you could invest One Minute to declutter or take some positive action. How will THAT affect your productivity? This could be a big swing in terms of time wasted vs. time invested.

I imagine repeating this exercise and the positive feelings we’ll get from it 3-5 times a day will be good for mental health while also delivering the benefit of a more productive day and a clearer desk.

Will you join me in applying the One-Minute Rule? Leave a comment below.

I’m Andrew Mazer and I’ve been serving business owners my entire adult life. I started my own wholesale company, Mazer Wholesale, Inc. in 1986 when I was just 21 years old. This business still exists today. I learned how to successfully market my business and products online and eventually began helping other business owners in various fields do the same. I’ve help restaurants, hotels/motels, service companies like massage therapists, electricians, garage door repair companies, venture capital money lenders, law firms and more leverage the power of the web to get more customers and make more money. SUBSCRIBE TO MY MONTHLY NEWSLETTER, CLICK HERE.