“A website should be considered and treated as a valuable employee who shows up every day and delivers more value to your business than the wage you pay.” Andrew Mazer (read full article about website design & marketing on our blog CLICK HERE)
Want a website that gets new customers SELLS your products or services? We’ll make you a new website or improve your existing one. CLICK HERE to inquire about website design or maintenance.
A good website is a customer-attraction and revenue-generation machine. Well, at least it should be. In can be! Is that what you want? If so, keep reading.
Marketing. Marketing is the key to a successful website. A website should SELL. A website should sell YOU, your products, your services, your expertise, your story. It should answer your customers’ question and position you as the obvious choice when it comes to their decision to buy.
A good marketing website which attracts visitors and converts them into customers pays for itself and quickly becomes a business asset. The average website (no matter how beautiful it may look) lacks the smart marketing elements which deliver visitors and convert them into leads and customers. Inquire about our website services, CLICK HERE.
Your website should NOT be an expense. It SHOULD be a customer-generating revenue machine…your asset.
This is the first question a business owner asks. But it’s not the right question. It’s like saying, “How much is a pair of shoes?”, or “How much is a car.” There are variables which determine the cost of a website. Since a website could become your most valuable business asset, you really want to ask, “How can you make my website grow my business?” AND “How have you helped other businesses grow?”
How do you choose a website designer? Not by price. Not by his or her talent in design, but by his or her understanding of the best way to market your business. You want your new website to serve a purpose and the person or firm should have some knowledge and understanding about your business, your customers, and your industry in order to turn your website into a marketing machine. A professional website developer will ask you questions and explain the possibilities which you don’t know exist or have ever even thought about.
Your Website is a Return-On-Investment Proposition
Like all marketing investments, you want your website to bring back more than the money you’ve invested in it. A LOT more. So, how much IS a website? Let’s talk about your business and your goals. Call 1-866-799-2825 or CLICK HERE to fill out a simple online form.
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