In yesterday’s post, I demonstrated how any business can make it easy for their customers to announce their satisfaction to their Facebook friends.
In case you’re not up to speed on what the “Check-In” on Facebook is, it’s an application within the mobile version of Facebook. There’s a button in the upper right hand corner of the Facebook screen named “Check-In”. When touched, this button activates a GPS scan on the user’s proximity to nearby businesses and displays them on your screen. They choose the one they’re at and a Facebook post screen opens which includes the name of your business, directions to your place and a link to YOUR Facebook Fan Page. The user can post a photo and as much text as they’d like to, just as in any typical post.
Get serious about marketing. Try the Facebook Check-In to get your own customers to promote your business.
As you can imagine, when people do this Check-In when they’re in your place, many, many people see it. Could be dozens, could be 100’s. Not only is this FREE ADVERTISING, it’s very powerful because it shows this person has given your place his or her “Seal of Approval”-social proof.
Some people will check-in to a place just because it’s an excuse to whip out their cell phone and get back into the chatter on Facebook.
A small sign in a clear table tent (like a picture frame) with a modest incentive could have people checking in and posting about your business every day. “Check-In on Facebook, Show Your Server, Get a FREE Dessert!”
The average Facebook post costs a business over $6.00. Whether you’re paying someone to do your social media posting for you or you do it in-house, there’s still the expense of time and effort. To give away a dessert probably costs a lot less and is probably a great deal more impactful.
When your customer checks in and includes a photo of his or her food (or whatever the product is), it will get even more visibility and reaction. “Show this post to your server within 7 days and get $5.00 off your purchase!”…now your customer has initialized a call-to action which makes your new Facebook Check-In Campaign measurable.
Have you ever tried the Facebook Check-In in your business? Share your experience in the comments area below.
Andrew Mazer, Founder of Mazer Wholesale, Inc. established since 1986. In 1996, I began marketing my wholesale business online. In 2009, I began helping other business owners market THEIR business online. I am the author of The Business Owner's Guide to Marketing Online, The Groupon Solution, and The One Good Idea Newsletter. Contact me at