How to Create a Mailing List: Free Resource

There’s less “junk mail” cluttering up mailboxes these days, have you noticed? They haven’t been this empty in 50 years. This is an opportunity.

Direct mail is still a great way to reach your prospective customers.

In this video, I’m demonstrating a powerful and free resource you can use to generate fresh prospect lists fast and easy. This tool is called Reference USA and it’s as good a list-building software system as any I have ever used.

If you are marketing business-to-business or business-to-consumer, it doesn’t matter, this resource has it. If you’re a local business like a restaurant, service business or retailer, you can pull a list of “new


movers”. These are a great target for a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” postcard campaign.

The list builder has lots of options in order to drill down to find your best prospects. Criteria such as:

  • Geographical location. Choose by city, state or plug in specific zip codes
  • Income or annual business revenue
  • Number of employees
    and much more.

I like to choose the records where the name of the owner (or “executive’s) name is listed because it’s a well-known fact that personalizing a mail piece gets a better response. In this video demonstration, I chose 4 zip codes and an annual sales range of $500,000 to $5 million and there were over 6000 results. Then I show how I can choose to select and download only specific records which have the contact names and rule out certain specific types of businesses.

Access to Reference USA is Free on My Local Public Library’s Website

I highly recommend you check your municipality’s public library website for this awesome resource. There’s no need to create lists. You can just get one record at a time. Sometimes a use it just to find out the name of the owner.

Some of the other cool functions of this program are the ability to generate New Business lists, Canadian lists, Healthcare-Specific Lists and even Job Postings.

This is a powerful tool everyone in business can utilize to build a list of prospects for direct mail marketing, email marketing and telemarketing.

Don’t wait another minute. Go to you local public library’s website and see if they have Reference USA available. If not, find out if they can get it.

By the way, you’ll need a library card to access Reference USA, but don’t worry, that’s also free!


About the Author Andrew Mazer

Andrew Mazer, Founder of Mazer Wholesale, Inc. established since 1986. In 1996, I began marketing my wholesale business online. In 2009, I began helping other business owners market THEIR business online. I am the author of The Business Owner's Guide to Marketing Online, The Groupon Solution, and The One Good Idea Newsletter. Contact me at

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