This post is about using video to help you Market your Small Business Online. I’m qualified to talk on this subject because I’ve been using video for about 10 years at this point to market my wholesale business and specific merchandise in particular.
There are a lot of benefits to marketing your business with the help of video. I won’t mention them all on this blog post because the list would just be too long. Here are some of the highlights.
First of all, it’s super easy. Technology today makes it easy. If you have a smartphone, you have a video studio in your hand or in your pocket at almost all times. If you have a tablet or a laptop computer you have a video cam built in. A good quality webcam can be purchased for less than $30 and can be attached to any computer built in 2010 or later.
Marketing your business on YouTube is free. It’s free to create your own broadcasting channel on the internet for the world to access. In your small business, the chances are you’re not really worried about communicating with the whole world, you just want to communicate with the local area that you serve or a certain demographic who may be interested in the products or Services you sell. What a gift!
By having a video posted on YouTube you are placing high-quality video content on the world’s second most important search engine. Yes, YouTube is the number to search engine behind Google. So many people today turn to YouTube so they can watch and listen to information rather than read it.
Good video marketing on YouTube means delivering value in the form of information, not commercials. People don’t tune in to YouTube to watch commercials. They tune in to either be entertained or informed. Unless you’re a magician, a singer, a comedian or offering some other form of sensational entertainment, stick with giving people want: to get answers to their questions. They want to know how to do something or otherwise scratch an itch to satisfy some curiosity or need to know.
A YouTube video is easily embedded on any typical website without special skills. So you create a video, uploaded to YouTube, and grab a short piece of code which is readily available on your YouTube video and then paste it into a certain spot in the back end of your website. Again, it’s very easy to do and if you can’t or don’t want to do it it’s easy to find someone who can, it only takes a couple of seconds. Another good reason to create video is to have content for your social media posts. All you need to do is write a couple of sentences on a social media post and copy and paste a link right into the post and now your Facebook fans can read your post and watch your video.
Online video is a gift that keeps on giving. It never goes away. If the video is good and people like it, they will watch it all the way through. When people watch your video all the way through YouTube recognizes this as valuable content. If people are watching it all the way through it naturally means people are getting something good from it. Google and YouTube are the same company. Their objective is to provide the best content results on the web. Therefore, if your video is popular it will become even more popular because people are watching it.
You’ve probably heard the term viral video but you don’t need to create videos which go viral to be successful with video for your own small business. In the past 10 years I have accumulated approximately 1 million video views across all my videos on the Mazer Wholesale YouTube channel. Considering some videos get a million plays within a couple of days sometimes that doesn’t seem like much but 1 million video plays has resulted in helping me make tremendous numbers of sales totaling at least several hundred thousand dollars and maybe even more. Almost everyday people actually subscribe to the mazerwholesale YouTube channel. That means every time I make a video and post it on the mazerwholesale YouTube channel all of those 700 plus people are getting a an email from YouTube saying mazerwholesale just posted a new video. I am building an audience.
I have only just begun creating content for The Small Business University YouTube channel. I am determined to create value enough for small business owners all over the world to enjoy the content I share and eventually start subscribing to this channel. I hope you do. Thank you for watching this. There will be lots more to come. There are lots more valuable aspects to sharing your expertise and your products and services on YouTube and on your website. You are welcome to contact me personally anytime. The phone number is 866-799-2825 and I welcome you also too like our Facebook fan page which is small business you org
I’m Andrew Mazer founder of small business you and I’m passionate about helping small business owners succeed. Thank you so much for watching my videos and reading the blogs.
Andrew Mazer, Founder of Mazer Wholesale, Inc. established since 1986. In 1996, I began marketing my wholesale business online. In 2009, I began helping other business owners market THEIR business online. I am the author of The Business Owner's Guide to Marketing Online, The Groupon Solution, and The One Good Idea Newsletter. Contact me at